Wednesday 18 January 2023


Through time and life, what interest us most is patterns and fluctuations, how people adhere themselves to those situations, or how people mould the situations According to themselves. How they celebrate, how they grief, how they pretend as well as how they enact. 

Every small things, matter to our minds, most importantly those, we can't see with our naked eyes. But one who can create the most of all, Is the one considered wise, among all of them, searching virtue, she becomes one finding the scratch to the scary lies. 

It's the woman, who births the life and lives it all over again through all those birthed lives. 

She feels the most vulnerable emotions, with the most delicate and brave heart. (They would say delicate yet brave, but no, for i'm not bound to any parameters of comparing or presuming the non existence of some traits together, but accepted the account of differences residing altogether in a single room.)

Exception may rise, through choices and beliefs, but that doesn't change the fact, what they are capable of.

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